
Christina von Flach

Computing Scientist, Salvador - Brazil Research Group
GitHub Profile

About me

I am a Professor at the Institute of Computing of the Federal University of Bahia since 1990. I hold a PhD degree in Computer Science from the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2004). In 2019, I took a sabbatical leave at Faculty of Computer Science, University of Namur, Belgium.

I was the first Director of Graduate Studies (2014-2017) of the Computer Science Program (PGCOMP-UFBA), the first to offer both Master’s and PhD degrees in Computer Science in the State of Bahia, Brazil. Since 2022, I am a Counselor of CAE-Academic Teaching Council - UFBA and also a Counselor of CONSEPE-Teaching, Research and Extension Council - UFBA.

I am the head of the research group. Our current research focuses on technical and social aspects of open source software ecosystems, software evolution, software architecture, software engineering education, and (with lively interest) Open Science and research software sustainability.

In 2022, I was the PC Chair, together with Prof. Elisa Nakagawa, of the Technical Program Committee of the SBES 2022 Research Track. The Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES), annually promoted by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC), is the premier Software Engineering conference in Latin America.

I’ve contributed to several conference technical committees, for instance,


Research Projects


ID Name Year
MATA61 Compilers 2023.2